These are highlights and projects of interest Brendan has worked on over the years.

  • NSIDC Search and Arctic Data Explorer 2012 - 2014

    A large project at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) to provide two interfaces for search and discovery of scientific data. NSIDC Search exposes NSIDC datasets. Arctic Data Explorer is an interface for arctic datasets from roughly a dozen data centers. Both interfaces share a common code base and depend on shared REST services. Brendan was the architect and a full stack developer on this project. Most of the code repositories are open source.
  • NCEI Common Ingest 2015

    NCEI Common Ingest is a data file ingest system that includes file transformations and processing. After the 2015 work the system was recognized as a leading solution in NCEI for data ingest and has been adopted by other NCEI sites for handling data ingest. This was made possible by an architectural redesign Brendan lead in 2015, which drastically reduced the cost (estimated 10x) of adding new data streams to the ingest system. NCEI Common Ingest is a private project.
  • GOES-R Control Segment 2016

    Real time processing system for GOES-R satellite data, leveraging Apache Storm. This system monitors the file system to process incoming data files through roughly 25 separate algorithms. The project coordinates when and under what conditions the algorithms are executed, however the algorithms themselves where created by scientific domain experts on another team. GOES-R Control Segment is a private project.
  • Billingsley Custom Software Website 2016

    This website is a github pages project using bootstrap.